Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Rebecca's Grave Video!

As most of you know, GMPS did their first outdoor investigation at Rebecca’s Grave on September 29th 2013. Rebecca’s Grave is located in Moncton, New Brunswick, and is highly known in the area. We have made a public video for a view into our investigation. But before I get into that, I would first like to thank our over 700 members on our Facebook page, especially the ones who interact with our posts and give their inputs and opinions. And also the people who have so far helped me get almost 1500 pageviews!
Now, an outdoor investigation is a little harder than an indoor one. With an indoor investigation you can control the environment you are working in better than outside. When you are outside, there are a number of things that can contaminate evidence. Animals, wind, cars, etc. Especially at a place like Rebecca’s Grave, that is literally only a few feet from a fairly busy road. We also had a few different people stop and check out what we were doing, including a member of the family of the man who owns the land, to warn us to “be careful” (creepy!!)
I apologize for the delay to get the video out, but as we all know, life happens. For me life happens on top of working 6 days a week! So time can be hard to come by some days. But I immensely appreciate all of you who have waited so patiently! This video is a good outlook for the viewer to see the things we may(or may not) see or experience while on an investigation. So without further delay...

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