Monday, 1 June 2015

Capitol Theatre Evidence Reveal

        "Just a little history of the Capital Theatre before I go into detail, for those of you who may not know it. The Capitol Theatre is an Italianate opera house-style auditorium built in 1922, located on Main St in Moncton. In 1926, just 4 years after it opened, the Capital Theatre suffered considerable damage from a fire that started at The Empress and spread into the backstage area of the Capital. It was able to re-open only seven short months later. Inside the lobby, there is a plaque honoring the only Moncton firefighter to lose his life in the line of duty. Alexander Lindsay lost his life while fighting the blaze between the two buildings. The Capitol closed down in the late 1980's, but re-opened in 1993 after a multi-million dollar investment by the city which restored it as close as possible to it's original beauty. It is the only theatre to date designated as a New Brunswick Historical Site...."

Last year GMPS did a late night at the Capitol Theatre in Moncton. We all  had what seemed like a very eventful night! Here is some of the evidence captured...

When we first arrived at the building we were given a tour by one of the employees. While on the tour, another employee came and told us that he had an experience a while back. He told us that while he was working late at night, he was on the stage area, when he looked up and saw a person walking along one of the rows on the balcony level of the seating. He said that the person turned to look at him, and then continued walking then disappeared. So naturally myself and another investigator started our investigation in that location. This was a piece of the audio we caught while doing so. You will hear us talking, then hear some form of loud audio interference. This was not heard with our own ears. We also had this analyzed by an audio specialist who could not explain what could have caused this. Could we have had a spirit walk right past us? 

This was also taken while on the session on the balcony level. You will hear a slight "Grunt" sound. We did not hear this with our own ears as you can tell we do not react to this sound. We could not come up with a cause for this, so we deemed it "inconclusive"

Again we are on the balcony area of the theatre, when a strange orb comes across my face. We are calling this unexplained because we had a flashlight on us, and if it were a bug where it is directed downwards it would have reflected for more of the shot. Also it is moving too fast to be dust, and is far too bright. 

What are YOUR thoughts on the Capitol Theatre? Do you have any experiences there personally? Do you believe it is haunted? GMPS is hoping to one day return to this gorgeous place to investigate again and get more answers! 
Check out our photos from that night on our Flickr account!