Friday, 25 April 2014

O2 Nightclub Investigation

 On October 29th 2013, The Greater Moncton Paranormal Society got the privilege of investigating the O2 nightclub in downtown Moncton. Many stories have stemmed from this club, including shadows, and mysterious ghostly cats. There is even a story that a medium was brought into the basement section of the club, but she said there were too many spirits speaking to her, and she would not return. We were told by the owner of the club, that the building was once the first courthouse in Moncton, along with being the first building with jail holding cells in it. It was also once a bank. So the building holds much history. When we got a researcher on our team to dig some more, this is actually what they found:

“Originally designed to be the first department store in Moncton with an open conceit, containing the first electric passenger elevator in the area. During the 30's and 70's it was used for government offices. The store was once the pride and joy of Monctonians, the place where people from all over town and its suburbs gathered on Saturday nights to shop and socialize. Peter McSweeney sold the building in 1932, when it became property of Moncton Electric and Gas Company to be used as a showroom, general offices and storeroom. Sold again in 1959 to Moncton Utility Gas.”

Unfortunately, and strangely, when they dug deeper, they actually did not find any evidence to say for sure that the building was once a jail. So at this point for us it is only speculation.

Now, all seriousness aside, this one was personally a hard investigation for me. Number one, it was a Tuesday, which meant I had to be out fairly late at night, then get up at 7am the next morning for work. Secondly, we had also set up on the same day to do some work with Global News. Which was fun! But also very tiring as we worked with them for around 3-4 hours to make a two minute segment. Haha. And on TOP of all that, I did the entire night with a painful tooth infection, which by the end of the night I had actually developed a mild fever from. I had to leave a few minutes early, once we packed up, I was just too sick to stay to discuss the night with the owner, which sucked! We had used a spirit box that night to try to see what we could get on it, and unfortunately although we did hear a few things that sounded like possible responses, we didn't get anything concrete. We also had quite a bit of debunking to do with this case. This was the very first case that we used our “new to us” DVR system, so we were able to watch/record multiple areas at one time, as opposed to only having hand held video cameras at one time, and they are also built to record in dark areas. Which was awesome!
So as far as evidence goes, here's what we had to work with after reviewing everything:

First off, this is a video of one of our investigators (Dwayne Manaigre)opening the elevator from the basement, now when he walks away you will notice an anomaly come up from the right hand bottom corner and move off screen. Is it interesting? Yes. Now, once we reviewed this, I had asked the team if anyone had maybe noticed if there were any flies or bugs flying around at all, because the anomaly is a little bright to be your regular “dust orb”. Everyone had said not that they had noticed, and at this time, it was the end of October. So it's fairly cold. Does that mean it's not a bug? Not at all. It most certainly could be a bug. But, we don't have the means to really tell whether or not that it is. (NOTE: There is an option on the videos in the bottom right hand corners to make the videos full screen for better viewing.)

Next, we had something called a “trigger object” on one of the tables. Usually that's an object that we may use to try and trigger some activity. This time we had brought a key from the time era that some of the most history of the building is from. Now, even though the key didn't spark up any amazing activity, we soon realized that maybe the key did in fact hold onto some kind of energy. We had a K2 meter set next to the key on a table, and at times the K2 meter would have a faint reading near the key.  

In this video,we are once again in the elevator hallway. Our investigator Dwayne walks to the left side of the screen. When he does, the right side of the screen dims in lighting, sharpens in image, then you see the camera flash and the screen goes back to normal. None of the other cameras, this one included, do this effect at all during the night when we take pictures. So I am confident that it was not the camera flash that caused it. I'm really not sure what did. 

(NOTE: If you click on the images, they become larger so you can get a better look at them)

This video is a perfect example of a "dust orb" (Which a lot of people still manage to get worked up about somehow.) As you can see, it does not have it's own flight path, nor does it let off it's own light. Also, you can notice it's almost completely transparent. 

This picture is of the bar area to the right when you come down the stairs. Now what you're seeing is the original photograph. And the thing standing in the light in the kitchen doorway is what caught our attention. To us it looked like a person standing in the doorway! This next photograph is what we used to compare the photo to another photo which shows the area lit up. 

Now I hate to admit it, but it actually took us a while to figure out,and we FINALLY after MUCH debate, figured out it was a camera tripod Global had set up. Theirs are taller and bigger than ours, which is why it showed up so much over the bar area. 

AND FINALLY, for those of you who didn't get your chance to see it... Our Global News debut! 

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